HRCM is chemically inert, electrically conductive, hydrophobic substance, steady in a corrosion environment and an ecologically clean substance. Carbon content is not less than 99.4%, packed density – 0.01 – 0.001 g. /cm3 (depending the way of production). Specific surface area – 2000 m2 per 1 gm. Category temperature range: from -60oC to +3000 oC. Recovery of adjoined substance is to 98%. The HRCM mass is composed of partially broken covalent connections. There are a great number of these unsaturated inter atomic carbon connections situated all around carbon hexagonals. These unsaturated inter atomic carbon connections (free radicals get in contact with a very wide group of substances (so to say – with all insoluble and some soluble in water admixtures) keep them in HRCM mass, but allowing water molecules pass through. Best are the withheld admixtures affined to HRCM as to chemical composition the base is carbon, for example, mineral oils and ether-soluble substances. It is vital that HRCM does not react with sorbing substances, i.e. filtered water does not contain any substances, which were not present at the entrance: HRCM, which was not filtered by shims may be present in small quantities, however HRCM is not dangerous for the body. Some substances formed as a result of HRCM chemical reaction and one or another admixtures (or chemical reaction between admixtures themselves where HRCM is catalyst) will not be present.
Although HRCM withholds admixtures due to free radicals on molecular and atomic levels by electromechanical methods (and not by mechanical methods) they do not react. The connection of HRCM and sorbed admixtures are rather strong in that they are held within the HRCM mass, but weak enough to separate admixtures from HRCM under certain conditions. When wetting HRCM forms a mass which has a greater hydraulic resistance than activated carbon has. In this mass even the smallest clouds are "tangled" mechanically) like in an extremely dense net. This means that the HRCM mass of some centimeters thickness works not only like a sorbent, withholding admixtures with the help of unsaturated inter atomic carbon connections, but also like a filter which mechanically withholds even the smallest admixtures and clouds. The HRCM-filter works similar to an ordinary membrane household filter. Similar means “not the same”, but much better. The fact is that membranes of ordinary filters withhold admixtures only with plane (or some planes), but HRCM withholds them by volume.