Procuring state projects

Currently WFR is in dialogue regarding the Pure Water Programme in Goa. Being aware India has an ever-growing water problem, WFR decided to bring this innovative Russian technology here. So far the technology has been explained and demonstrated at meetings with the Commissioner and Chief Minister of Goa. The government has initiated instigation of various municipal water projects in the state. In addition we have agreed upon either spring or autumn of 2010 (this date to be confirmed) to hold a water conference in Goa.

WFR aims to spread its roots throughout the country, making every state in India a ‘Pure Water’ state. Our objective is to make Goa the first pure water state and respectively many other regions of India step by step.

In Sole Representation of Founder Chairman of WFR Mr.Nilesh Neel. Mikhail Zheltikov General Director of Aikya, (Holding 'Golden Formula' headed by Prof.V. I. Petrik) demonstrating HRCM technology to Goa Chief Minister Digambar Kamat.

Mikhail Zheltikov [Russian Co-ordinater of WFR]

Being conscious of India's critical water situation along with the support of Holding 'Golden Formula', Mikhail Zheltikov, General Director of AIKYA visited India in 2007. To initiate commercial project and pure water programe for 'Golden Formula', in the same reference he has meetings with scientists, journalists and businessmen in different cities of India and finally he became acquainted with Nilesh Neel and were introduced to Prof. Petrik. Understanding the importance of water and the urgency of the situation Mr. Neel suggested creating an international social movement 'Water Freedom Revolution' for water rights, which purpose is…Clean Water, Save Water, Serve Water by adopting HRCM technology by Prof.Petrik.

Mr. Neel proposed to discuss the technology and bring it to India as a revolutionising water purification technology. This is how the Water Freedom Revolution came into existence. WFR was formed and the talks were initiate with the Goa Government for the Pure Water program starting from Goa. Mr. Mikhail has played a major associating role in the establishment of WFR.

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