Nilesh Neel Founder Chairman WFR
Mr. Neel; a Poet, Writer, speaker, educational communicator and project coordinator in many orientation programs understands the importance of water and the urgency of the situation and suggested creating an international social movement 'Water Freedom Revolution' for water rights, which purpose is… "Clean water, Save water, Serve water".
WFR which is dedicated to promoting awareness regarding the importance of water and the current global water situation by adopting HRCM technology for water purification both in commercial and social setup innovated by Russian Scientist Prof.Petrik.
Observing the present condition of water in many countries and cities of modern civilisation, he has come to the conclusion that water is poisoned not only by chemicals and human waste but also with negative, destructive information from social activities, which is termed 'The Bondage of Water'.
After connecting with Petrik, he started international movement: 'Water Freedom Revolution'. His main direction of work is to increase awareness regarding the importance of water and the current global water situation. "Water Freedom Revolution" focused on clean water, save water, Serve water. He intends to create water awareness programme and water purification systems, by the distribution of (HRCM) water filters for both domestic and industrial usage.
Alpana Neel CEO & Director WFR
Alpana Neel (MBA graduate from UK), propagates to take the WFR commercially to every state in India. She is aware of the market India has for supply of clean water using this advanced technology. Mrs.Alpana Neel after the completion of her education in Oxford Brookes worked for five years in consulting, hospitality and travel sector. Worked with top consulting firm named Adecco from Switzerland. She was later inspired by Mr.Neel’s devotion for water and commitment for HRCM and Prof.Petrik influenced her to join WFR, to do better for this movement her advice for commercial set up of WFR to industries She will be taking care of the commercial project and Mr.Neel of the social projects. Now she is the CEO of WFR Industries Pvt.Ltd. She is highly academic MBA from Oxford Brookes University, UK; BCSE, Oxford Said College, UK; PGPBM, Western Michigan University, USA.