Clean water storage
India is not deficient in natural water reservoirs, if utilized properly India has a capacity to take care of country’s need of clean water to all its citizens. The country has yet not devised economical and ecologically aware means of water storage.
The monsoons are the prime source of water for crops, rivers, dams and underground tables. Hence the country can use this to its benefit by practicing water harvesting for the season. Every state follows its own methods to deal with the situation. Whatever be the strategy, some are successful to quite an extent but none is 100% successful to claim the state as clean water state. WFR makes it a part of its project to facilitate clean and effective water storage facilities.
Water and Hygiene
Due to current global warming, deforestation and industrialization India has seen and experienced changed patterns of climate which is majorly seen in the country’s monsoons. The country’s agriculture and domestic water usage largely is dependant on the yearly rainfall. Delayed rains or scarcity of rains puts the country into suffering for the whole year till the next year of monsoons. Last few years has seen a major shift in cms rainfall received in certain regions than the others making an unequal distribution of water supply leading into floods and droughts. The country’s inability to encompass water storage as vital agenda is still the matter of consideration. The country has yet not devised the means to deal with this unpredictable weather either metrological or Administratively Mumbai and Bihar floods took toll of lives, property and crop of the year, where simultaneously some of the other regions were suffering due to delayed monsoon; thus, affecting the prices of vegetables and grains in the country. If not directly the water indirectly affects the normal course of living in the country. This therefore calls for a look into planning, storage and provision of water. Until recently, concerns about drinking water focused on eliminating pathogens. The chlorine used to reduce the risk of infectious disease may account for a substantial portion of the cancer risk associated with drinking water. Chlorination of drinking water was a major factor in the reduction in the mortality rates associated with waterborne pathogens. The use of chlorine was believed to be safe. These concerns about cancer risks associated with chemical contamination from chlorination by-products have resulted in numerous epidemiological studies. These studies generally support the notion that by-products of chlorination are associated with increased cancer risks.
Water borne diseases
Majority of diseases in India are water borne and are spread easily via impure and unhygienic drinking water. Easily affected are children who catch the forms of infections from water provisions in the schools. And the so called mineral water many a times is nothing but a resealed tap water in the labeled bottles not only deceit the confidence of the customer but holding a pool of infectious microbes.
Water in Indian rivers and pollution in vicinity
The country’s inability to foresee and the habit of procrastination has caused mass damage to the natural water reservoirs like lakes, rivers and underground water. The effluents from the industries, the domestic washing, the transmission of pesticides and insecticides into water due to soil erosion has eventually made the water unclean, highly polluted and unfit for usage. Presently water under no circumstances is fit for usage unless treated in water treatment plants. These water treatment plants though process the water into clean water to a large extent, but in reality even this water is not 100% pure for drinking. Water is still found to have sediments, undesirable elements, microbes and large concentration of certain minerals that have adverse effect on the human health. It cannot be said that the country is still ignorant of importance of water, it is waking up to the cause. But on the scale on which the projects, practices or awareness is taking place has still a long way to go. The country is not deficient of water it is just not armed with technology, knowledge and aspiration to take a step forward. The country needs to devise economical and efficient means to harvest water, clean it and store it. Why water not given the importance yet is a big question!