It's very important to drink safe water to live a long&healthy life. Water purified from HRCM sorbent increases the life expectancy of 20-25 years. Recovers detoxification function of cells. Protects against viral diseases. This HRCM reliably protect you from common water pollutants like aluminum, iron, residual chlorine and even arsenic.

Melt water from the tap
the filters "Golden Formula" ("Zolotaya Formula")
The filters “Golden formula” are advanced systems for cleaning in the all over world, because they:
- clean the humus (swamp) water to the high quality drinking water;
- does not reduce the concentration and content of mineral salts and minerals;
- provide a fundamentally new, the current level of water treatment processes;
- enrich the water with potassium and iodine;
- cleaned from arsenic;
- possess bacteriostatic and bactericidal action;
- change the internal structure of the water, bringing it closer to the ideal melt structure!
Do you want to know why it is so important
drink clean water?
The role of water in human activities
The body of a healthy person is 65% of the liquid. Drinking contaminated water can lead to unpleasant violations of the principal and important functions in the human body and its functioning.
She is responsible for vital processes in the human body:
- Convert food intake into energy;
- Output of waste of vital processes;
- Regulation of normal body temperature;
- Delivery of oxygen and all necessary for normal life of nutrients to all cells of the body;
- Assimilation of nutrients in human organs;
- Moisture entering the body of air;
- Protection of vital human organs.
The importance of these processes in human life can not be overemphasized.
Want to protect themselves from
the impact of unsafe water?
80% of all infectious diseases of the world arise because of poor water quality and is the cause of many diseases.
Together with the contaminated fluid in your body fall and affect him multiple pollutants:
- Copper and lead;
- Nitrates and bacteria;
- Means to disinfect water (chlorine gas);
- Household waste;
- Pesticides and fertilizers;
- Also invisible piece of heavy metals.
And at present special risks to children are parasitic, diarrheal diseases, which are transmitted through the water.
Do you want to live a long and
be healthy?
Use filters "Golden Formula"
Use good quality water, purified with filters "Golden Formula" ("Zolotaya Formula"):
- Increases the life expectancy of 20-25 years;
- Recovers detoxification function of cells;
- Protects against viral diseases.
The filters "Golden formula"("Zolotaya Formula") reliably protect you from common water pollutants:
- Aluminium,
- Iron,
- Residual chlorine
- And even arsenic.
Do you want to buy
filter "Golden Formula"("Zolotaya Formula")?