We claim to achieve the objectives by following steps
Launch of "Pure Water" Bottling Plant
After successful marketing of WFR Filters, for first 3 years, we must plan to setup our own unit of Bottling Plant. This will help WFR’s mission of providing clean and healthy water at affordable prices. At the moment most of the packaged bottles cost Rs 12 – Rs 25 (High concentration of artificial Minerals) per liter. Most of the companies which are packaging water bottles are using unhealthy water treatments which are expensive as well hence they are costlier for consumers.
Using our HRCM sorbent and easy to setup Filtration process we must target to launch 1 Liter Water Bottle at price as low as Rs. 5. Our first customer for this low cost Packaged Water Bottle shall be Indian Railway and various National and International Airlines (Operating from India).
Collaboration with existing Industrial Filters
After 3 years in operations WFR must also collaborate with Industrial Filter Companies and spread its base from General Public and Corporates to Industries.
Clean GANGA and Other Rivers– WFR Initiative with Central Government
One of the major issues India has in polluted Rivers. India is rich in natural water resources but due to lots of industries and absence of strong industrial-pollution laws most of the rivers are polluted to the highest level and water is not in drinkable stage. More than providing the filters to each of the house holds thru WFR/Golden Formula filters its WFR’s vision to help cleaning these natural resources of water.
Collaboration with a Media Group
To spread WFR’s vision and mission in India is never going to be easy. Indian Territory speaks various languages and most of the places are hard to reach.
One of the best ways to communicate to India is Media. Since Media is spread across each and every house of India in some form or the other, it’s beneficial for WFR to collaborate with one of the Media Companies. We must choose a company which has all forms of Media Communication tools such as News Papers (in most of the spoken/read regional languages), TV, Radio, Internet and Mobile.
Beyond India
India is surrounded by various courtiers which has similar water related issues. Some of the countries have even worst water problems than India.
Along with India we should also work in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Myanmar and Nepal thru our Indian Office. Once these countries are covered we can even expand to Middle East.