In developing countries many water treatment plants are facing lack of technology to treat the water, lack of proper machinery, lack of understanding, or awareness of maintenance of the operating systems or disregard for maintenance. In addition, the design of such treatments plants is often not in accordance with techniques for improving the performance of the treatment process, in other words they are under-utilized and inefficient; which means majority of population is at high risk of diseases and ailments to due non provision of pure drinking water. Initiatives by the government bodies as well various organizations have not been able to cater to 100% availability of clean drinking water to its citizens. In developing countries, of all the diseases identified as major causes of death, 1:5 is related to water and sanitation. Water-borne diseases are causing more than 4 million infants and child deaths every year in developing countries. The issue of quantity and quality of water thus becomes a deep-seated foundation of life and survival.
Analysing the situation and realising that the steps taken till now are not guaranteed for provision of safe drinking water, Mr Neel [Founder director of WFR] collaborated with Prof Petrik to form WFR. Water has an economic value in all its competing uses and should be recognized as an economic asset. Following this principle, it is especially crucial to recognize the basic right of all human beings to have access to drinking water and sanitation at affordable price. Past failure to recognize the economic value of water led to wastage and to uses that were harmful to the environment. To manage water as an economic asset is an important path to the achievement of efficient and equitable use, and to the encouragement of the conservation and protection of water resources (Petrella, 2001: 65- 66). The main purpose of WFR is creating in India an analogue to "Pure Water”,Russia. The main agenda is to institute the unique technology of water purification, developed by Professor Petrik. This discovery was awarded as a best water purification technology in Russia’s scientific world, in a tender, organized by Unified Russia party, 2007. Therefore it was chosen as the base technology for implementation of the Government Program "Pure Water" in Russia.